the middle pillar exercise

This ritual builds up the middle pillar of the Tree of Life in your aura thereby awakening the higher currents within you. The exercise is well-known also from tantra and taoism where it balances sexual, loving and spiritual energies that are regarded as seperate by cultural conventions. The Middle Pillar Exercise should be carried out slowly and with great care, attention and devotion. Do not go on with the exercise until a powerful visualisation carrying a significant energy level has been achieved at the previous step. This may require several minutes of concentration on each part.*
1 Stand upright facing west, hands to your side, eyes closed, inhale and expired your breath steadily. Let the mind be quiet, calm, and still. Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.*
2 Now visualise yourself standing in a Temple with the pillars of the Tree of Life felt right behind your back. There is a Black Pillar of Severity on your right, a White Pillar of Mercy on your left. You are the Middle Pillar, standing between them. Imagine that the Black Pillar of Severity is reflected in the right part of your body, and the White Pillar of Mercy in the left part.*
3 Take a deep breath and raise yourself to your Kether, a sphere of pure brilliance emanating above your head. Breathe in deeply and vibrate the godname EHEIEH (pronounced "Eh-hay-yay", 'I am', 'I will be' or 'I am that I am').*
4 See the light above your head flowing down through Daath, at the nape of your neck. Here it forms another flaming sphere of brilliant indigo, slightly smaller than the previous sphere. Now you inhale deeply and vibrate the godname YHVH ELOHIM (pronounced "Ye-ho-wah El-o-heem" - 'Lord God' or 'Lord of Gods' - which is in fact the godname of Binah as Daath is not truly a Sephirah).*
5 Experience the light continue to Tiphareth in your heart into a sphere of clear pink rose as you vibrate the godname YHVH ELOAH VA DAATH (pronounced "Ye-ho-wah El-o-aah Vah Daard" - 'Lord God of all Knowledge').*
6 Let the light flow further down into Yesod in your hip and genital area forming a flaming sphere of fluctuating indigo. Take a deep breath and vibrate the divine name SHADDAI EL CHAI (pronounced "Sha-di el-chie" - 'Almight God of Life').*
7 Finally, the light reaches Malkuth at the base between your legs (or even under your feet) where it forms a flaming sphere of brilliant yellow. Now vibrate its godname ADONAI HA-ARETZ (pronounced "Ah-don-i ha-aretz" - 'Lord of the Earth').*
8 Now see the light ascending vertically behind your back along the spine, then feel it descend vertically in front of you, creating a dynamic circle of flaming light moving rapidly around you. Let another circle form itself around your waist, beginning from left to right in front of you, then running in a clockwise current. Feel the new life these currents are giving your entire aura. Observe them for a while, as they are circulating around the four brilliant spheres on a stream of light.*
9 Thank the powers that have been involved. Take a deep breath and feel the images fade to become invisible. Perform The Qabalistic Cross to balance the energy and close the ritual.*
balancing masculine and feminine currents
If the ritual is carried out with the purpose of circulating sexual energy that has been accumulated through tantra, it may be neccesary to make a specific balancing of the masculine and feminine currents, respectively the Pillar of Severity (Pingala, hot) and the Pillar of Mercy (Ida, cold). The following extension of the exercise should be carried out if tension is still experienced in the sexual organs:
...10 Concentrate your consciousness at the testicles (if male) or the ovaries (if female), both of them, left and right. Take a deep breath and vibrate the divine name SHADDAI EL CHAI (pronounced "Sha-di el-chie" - 'Almight God of Life' - godname of Yesod). *
11 Lift the energy, breathing in from these two sexual organs upwards in two seperate currents. Let the two currents cross through your heart in a sphere of clear pink rose as you mentally vibrate the godname YHVH ELOAH VA DAATH (pronounced "Ye-ho-wah El-o-aah Vah Daard" - 'Lord God of all Knowledge').*
12 While still breathing in, raise the energy further to the level of your brain, the current from your left sexual organ entering the opposite right half of the brain and the current from the right entering the opposite left brain. View the entire brain becoing a flaming sphere of brilliant indigo. Exhale excess energy through the brian halves and vibrate the two godnames YHVH ELOHIM (pronounced "Ye-ho-wah El-o-heem" - the godname of Binah, for the right brain) and YHVH (pronounced "Ye-ho-wah" - the godname of Chokmah, for the left brain).*
Tantric practices working with the balance between masculine and feminine energies may lead to an intermediate imbalance of energy. If a woman experiences an excessive sensation of cold feminine energy, or if a male feels too hot, this breathing exercise must be performed focusing on only the opposite current which balances the excessive one. A woman experiencing too much cold should breathe only through the masculine hot current, from the right sexual organ to the left brain (YHVH). A man experiencing too much heat should breathe only through the feminine cold current, from the left sexual organ to the right brain (YHVH ELOHIM).*
13 Thank the powers that have been involved. Take a deep breath and feel the images fade to become invisible. Perform The Qabalistic Cross to balance the energy and close the ritual.*
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