a tree for change

Welcome to Copenhagen Qabalah, a reference for study and practical use of the hermetic qabalah.*
The human condition is a challenging one. Opposition and crisis are fundamentals of living. When everything else fails, we turn to the gods. Prayer, magic, healing are common names for this activity. It may lead us to new insigths or teach us new capabilities, letting us break through that which used to be barriers, or making us see the possibilities of choosing another direction or interpretation. Only when facing crisis, we humans accept the learning inflow of these spiritual qualities.*
The qabalah is about changing what you see, making the world and yourself change accordingly. Let the following quote act as a mission statement of this site: "I am a sorcerer. Everything I see I create. I have created, and will continue to create my own world"*

The hermetic qabalah is one among several maps - a tree actually - of the qualities available to us within spirit, represented by symbols. It also provides a number of rituals, that stimulate our ability to integrate them. Get introduced to the roots of the qabalah, Jewish mystecism, Western hermeticism, and renaissance Christianity, in this text: The Hermetic Qabalah.*
The qabalah's central map of powers is the Tree of Life (seen left, get PDF here). It symbolizes a process of life from that which is divinely out of our reach (God) through the planes of human consciousness, until physical death at its botton.Before browsing it you need to get familiar with its main structures: The 10 Sephiroth, #1-10 depicted on the tree, the ten divine qualities or stages of creation that we need to manifest in our lives. The 22 Paths, #11-32 on the tree, the 22 connections we all need to build within in order to utilize the 10 divine qualities.*
We gain access to the qualities of the tree through healing magic - ritual activity that teaches us the qualities of the tree through active meditation on symbols. For each spiritual qualitiy we integrate into our human existence, we sacrifice a piece of our individual personality. Human growth to get your way with the world means gradually aligning yourself with cosmic will. Read more about Qabalistic Healing Magic.*

Like the renaissance qabalist Pico Della Mirandola, I am a Christian qabalist. I don't subscribe to new age spirituality's promise of an easy path to earthly succes in terms of love, money and happyness, which is just a modern form of black magic. Magic should remain white, an unselfish path leading to God in which personal desires are sacrificed rather than satisfied. Christianity provides a true perception of our fallable human condition, and the genuine qabalistic understanding that sacrifice goes both ways through the emergence of Christ and the new covenant. In my experience The Holy Communion with its sacramental bread and wine is the most significant ritual that makes us familiar with this reality.

Finally, a major credit goes out to Alis Ballin, who directed my attention to the Hermetic Qabalah and who taught me the founding principles that have directed my qabalistic practice ever since. Also credit to Peter Michael Jacobsen, my wisest possible travel companion on this qabalistic journey.

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God bless - and Qabalistic Greetings!

Morten Hass, editor

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